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Snap AR AWE:

Snap AR, the dedicated Augmented Reality Division of Snap inc (Snapchat) tasked me to design and develop their presentation slides for Augmented World Expo. 


The theme of the presentation was "UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF AR". 


Here are some captures from the global stage presentation. Enjoy

Opening Sequence


We wanted to capture the essence of AR through showing it in action. To make the audience get a clear idea of what the presentation will be about. So a mix of 2D animation, 3D animation and footage was employed. 

Speaker Titles


The presentation screens had to be simple to see, easy to read and have very simple to the eye animations. While also maintaining the Snap branding.

Big Title Presentation


Slide titles followed the same principles as the speaker titles. However, I made the animations of these a bit more dynamic and befitting the application. 

Partner Logos


We also animated custom logos for some partners. In a fashion that looked fluidly in relation with the brands themselves. 

Live Nation

And so was Snap AWE​

Checkout the AWE post event blogpost here

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